About me

A new method of communication

Education in our country, as well as in the entire Balkans, is guided by the traditional means of communication and provision of services. It's time for a change, don't you think so? Chatbot represents the future in business and communication. Something that will become an integral part of our life, way of doing business and performing daily tasks in a very short time.

ADA (Academic Digital Assistant) project is the first project in the Balkans in the field of education that provides better communication, time saving, faster and more efficient realization of services. We want to provide something new, innovative and useful to our students and make it easier for them to perform their daily duties.

We would like to change the way you see the world and the future. Chatbot is a great way for the Belgrade Academy to become and stay connected with students, and to be able to listen more carefully and fulfill all their needs, from obtaining simple information to complicated transactional processes.

Chatbot has the potential to greatly influence the way students experience educational institutions and the way they interact. Chatbot may not be the solution to all student problems, but it is a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of Belgrade Academy, thus, as a good investment, increasing the visibility of our Academy by introducing digitalization as fundamental government strategy. With the introduction of this digital strategy, Belgrade Academy will be easily recognized and better ranked, which will certainly affect the ranking of the entire Ministry of Education.



Belgrade Business and Arts Academy for Applied Studies, with the donation of the WEAVER platform license by Saga New Frontier Group, has implemented ADA chatbot (virtual assistant) based on artificial intelligence. Our digital assistant is a project of Belgrade Academy in which participate, in addition to members of the Department of Information Systems, members of the management of the Belgrade Academy and our students as well, in order to facilitate and simplify studies for all our students.

Special prize

The BAPUSS student team won the special award "Dr Miroslav Despotović" for the best student team in the competition for the Best Technological Innovation, organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

It is a project called "Chatbot EVA - Educational Virtual Assistant", which aims to provide benefits and facilitation to students and staff of educational institutions in the form of providing information and services relevant to the processes that are regularly performed .The ADA served as an example of the first chatbot, and the idea was that every educational institution should have one virtual assistant like this which allows students to access different types of information, such as consultations dates of professors, location of auditoriums and amphitheaters, schedule of lectures, check of price lists, and also to perform obligations such as exam registration, semester certification and tuition fees.


Chatbot arena

There is a huge competition in the field of chatbot development. We know how helpful the ADA is to college and high school students, but with generative artificial intelligence it will be even more competent and relevant. At the heart of generative artificial intelligence are large language models (LLM). ChatGPT created by OpenAI, which is funded by Microsoft, has become the most popular in the last year. However, there are many other LLMs such as Mistral which is the most famous solution in Europe. See a ranking of the current capabilities of the LLM models created at the University of Berkeley.


Izvor: https://huggingface.co/spaces/lmsys/chatbot-arena-leaderboard

Advantages of ADA - Academic Digital Assistant

Availability 24/7/365

High availability 24/7/365 is provided to the students, and everyone wants services outside normal working hours from 9 am to 5 pm. Chat is available 24 hours a day all year round.

Time saving

Ability to simultaneously serve thousands of students and users. The step of going to the counter to get certain information is skipped. Students time is valued.

Fast service

Students are freed from traditional communication by phone and email. Instead of leaving students waiting, simple requests from students are solved with the help of chatbots.

Keeping up with the world

The task of the chat is not only to provide information and facilitate everyday tasks, but also to introduce a new digital strategy using elements of artificial intelligence.

Easy communication

Anyone who is a user of the Viber or Messenger communication platform will be able to communicate with chatbot very easily and simply.


Fast provision of information can bridge the gap between the large number of students seeking information and the limited resources for providing assistance.

The first chatbot in education

The first Academy in Serbia becomes the first in the Balkans in the field of chatbot development based on natural language processing (NLP) which is a very important concept of artificial intelligence. This segment of artificial intelligence enables the analysis of entered messages (phrases) by students, not by analyzing and searching for keywords, but by an absolute understanding of natural language and the meaning of the whole phrase.

The virtual assistant answers all potential questions from students and prospective students regarding the basic questions and services, and is available 24 hours a day at the following link. ADA currently covers over 200 scenarios and topics related to issues that are of most interest to students. Artificial intelligence enables ADA to learn, that is, to become "smarter". Regarding this issue, learning is a long-term process and the team for the implementation of this project will monitor what students ask, teach ADA new scenarios and implement new services, such as change of elective course, checking the balance of student loans, attendance records, enrollment and verification of the semester, easier transfer of knowledge by teachers, etc.
