This event is related to:
- Мathematics - Information systems and technology 2017 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- Мathematics - Management 2012 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- Мathematics - Tourism managment 2014 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- Fundamentals of Statistics - Marketing and trade 2017 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- Statistics - Information systems and technology 2017 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- Basics of statistical analysis - Taxes and customs 2017 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- STATISTICS-elective subject (from generation 2014) (Elective) - Management 2012 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- STATISTICS-elective subject (from generation 2014) (Elective) - Finances, accounting and banking 2012 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- STATISTICS-elective subject (from generation 2014) (Elective) - Taxes and customs 2012 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- STATISTICS-elective subject (from generation 2014) (Elective) - Business informatics and e-business 2012 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- Financial Statistics - Finances, accounting and banking 2017 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- (Elective) - Taxes and customs 2017 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD
- MATEMATIKA (DO GENERACIJE 2021/22) (Elective) - Management 2017 - Veda Kilibarda, PhD